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5 reasons why you should sing in the shower

Abigail & Zak Birch-Price

As we all know, there are two kinds of people - those that sing in the shower, and those that hate listening to shower singing. For the latter kind, before despairing completely of the ritual morning chorus, here are five reasons why it’s worth trying it yourself. (And for the former kind, please enjoy the following affirmation of your life choices!)

1. Endorphins

It is well-known that the feeling of flowing water on the skin releases endorphins (also known as happy hormones) that signal to the brain and make you feel good - that’s why it might be tempting to sneak an extra five minutes under that hot shower! But singing also releases endorphins, so combining these activities increases the positive boost to your mood - exactly what most of us need on a Monday morning. The initial endorphin rush as you step into the shower also makes you more likely to burst into song, even if normally you’re the one least likely to willingly showcase your vocal talents at karaoke night.

2. Acoustics

Another good reason to sing in the shower is that you probably sound better there than anywhere else in your home. Soft furnishings such as carpets, curtains and furniture absorb sound, whereas hard, flat surfaces (such as those tiled bathroom walls and shower cubicle sides) reflect sound, creating a pleasing reverberance that enhances the harmonics of your voice. This acoustic flattery encourages you to sing more, and feel good about yourself while doing so.

3. Steam

The hot water coming from your showerhead produces steam, which is trapped by your shower walls or curtain. Breathing in this dense water vapour hydrates your throat and nasal passages, soothing sore throats and lubricating your vocal chords. Singing increases the volume of air you breathe in, increasing this beneficial effect.

4. Time

With everyone’s busy lives, your morning shower may be the only bit of peace you get all day. It is the perfect chance to relax and enjoy singing, especially if you regularly wake up with songs in your head! It also provides an essential opportunity for singers to warm up and practise.

5. Creativity

Lots of showers are accompanied by fans, some of which run at a specific musical pitch. Instead of being an annoyance, you can use this pitch to harmonise with and improvise off. This creative music making can stimulate your brain and make you feel proud of what you’re creating.

If you’re stuck for inspiration, here are our current top 10 songs to sing in the shower.

Zak’s current favourite shower songs:

  1. Come What May

  2. 500 Miles

  3. American Pie

  4. The Long And Winding Road

  5. Shallow

  6. Andante Andante

  7. Beauty And The Beast

  8. Patience

  9. O Danny Boy

  10. Part Of Your World

Abigail’s current favourite shower songs:

  1. We Don’t Talk About Bruno

  2. What Else Can I Do

  3. When I Fall In Love

  4. A Thousand Years

  5. A New Life

  6. Begin Again

  7. The Winner Takes It All

  8. Make You Feel My love

  9. Something Inside So Strong

  10. Mamma Mia

Hopefully these have given you ideas for songs you’d like to sing in the shower, either by singing along to tracks or the radio, or soloing or improvising yourself. But if you’re still stuck don’t worry. Here are other lists and playlists with loads more songs on that you can try:



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