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I'll be writing and uploading blog posts every now and then, but if you would like to write a post about music for my page, please get in touch! I'm particularly interested in articles on equality or diversity in music and music in society.

Abigail Birch-Price
Dec 13, 20217 min read
Christmas Song Alphabet
Ever since I was young, one of my favourite games to play to help me get to sleep was the alphabet game. It’s easy to play by just...

Zak Birch-Price
Nov 15, 20216 min read
Choral performance in the social distancing era: replication, authenticity and emotion
The Covid-19 pandemic has had many impacts on all our lives. For musicians, one of those impacts was the inability to perform music in an...

Abigail Birch-Price
Oct 11, 20216 min read
Entrainment for all: can animals show rhythmic entrainment just like humans, and why?
Since it was Zak’s birthday yesterday, I let him choose the topic of the blog for this month, so he chose one of the essays that I wrote...

Abigail Birch-Price
Sep 24, 20214 min read
Can music be used as a painkiller?
With the Singathon’s success in raising over £1000 for Music in Hospitals & Care (MiHC) last month, I decided to write this month’s blog...

Esther Clarke
Aug 5, 20217 min read
Sing me a song with social significance
For me at least, music is all about emotion; there’s just something about the combination of certain words - sometimes phrases that...

Abigail Birch-Price
Jul 9, 20214 min read
Concert halls and theatres: the journey back to normality
Unfortunately, theatres and concert halls have been massively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic through job and income loss, but now...

Abigail Birch-Price
Jun 16, 20216 min read
Are cathedrals doing enough for female singers?
This time last year I was celebrating finishing my exams at Cambridge University, including submitting my dissertation which looked at...

Abigail Birch-Price
May 12, 20216 min read
Effects of Football Chants
As the 2020/21 Premier League season draws to a close this month, we can reflect on all the differences this season has brought to the...

Abigail Birch-Price
Apr 11, 20215 min read
Birthday Blog: My Top 10 Favourite Female Composers
Over the last few years, I have really enjoyed getting to know music by a wide range of composers, particularly those who have less...

Abigail Birch-Price
Mar 7, 20212 min read
Gender equality for dead composers: important or irrelevant?
International Women's Day, coming up tomorrow, provides a platform for many Women's charities to increase awareness and support. This is...

Abigail Birch-Price
Feb 19, 20215 min read
Music museums kept only for men?
This time last year I was working as recitals coordinator for the Cambridge Minerva Festival, which aims to elevate the voices of female...

Abigail Birch-Price
Jan 12, 20215 min read
Changing Traditions
First of all, Happy New Year everyone, and let’s hope 2021 goes better than 2020! Hope you all had a safe but happy festive season and...
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